
Friday, September 21, 2012

2 years anniversary ♥ :) Dear、i love you :D




谢谢老公一路以来对我细心的照顾、呵护、疼爱 ♥

一直以来我对你的态度都不怎么好、可是你却一直在包容我 ♥

虽然有时候你会忍无可忍、骂我、因为你说每次骂我都是你压力很大 :-(

教我学会乖、听话、珍惜 ♥

亲爱的老公、2周年纪念快乐 ♥ 21/9/10﹣﹣21/9/12

你说我手涂的颜色很像鬼 X﹏X


爱你爱你爱你 ♥ 目哇 ♥

很喜欢这张、不知为何? 被你欺负了 ♥ 感觉我们都很cute !!

My lunch !!!

午餐吃这个而已、好可怜、因为赶时间的关系 !!

好饿的夜晚 :-(

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Strive in my FINAL exam :))

bother arhhh.... I left 44 days only for prepare my last exam!!

I will work hard in my FINAL exam

After exam... i'm free...wakaka :D i'm so excited

I will do my best to pass will study hard..

After the final exams..prepare wait my dear fetch me to genting..yeahhh.

i'm look forward to....because left 2 day only..i with my dearest husband intercourse 2 years ad..

We had a fight over..lukewarm over...cried..

because we are to believe..tolerance.

We can intercourse to be so for a long time..thanks you!! dear

Thanks your been taken care of me..ur love..

Thanks you for giving me happiness

I will cherish you until forever..